Let us help you find the right employee

We can do so much more than a “help wanted” ad. After learning about your business needs, AltaPointe’s dedicated Supported Employment team will help you find the right candidate, saving you time, and we’ll continue our support after hire, for as long as you would like.

It’s not just about finding an employee. It’s about finding the right employee.


The AltaPointe Supported Employment program assists individuals with mental illness find community-integrated competitive  employment with companies throughout our region. Cultivating opportunities with local employers is a key element in the supported employment process. The team works tirelessly with employers to help them understand the benefits of working with our Supported Employment program and encouraging their participation

Jackson Janitorial Services was recognized with the “2016 Employer of the Year” award for their continued support of our program and working with our clients. Jackson is just one of many local businesses utilizing our services.

If you are an employer seeking the best employee match for your business, please contact AltaPointe’s Supported Employment program for assistance.

For more information, contact our Supported Employment team at (251) 450-4301.






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