Vendor FAQs

When can I make deliveries or appointments?

Refer to the General Guidelines for Vendor Conduct to better understand AltaPointe policies. If you have any questions about these policies and guidelines, email

What if I still have a question concerning the purchasing practices at AltaPointe Health?

Our intention is for all interactions with our vendors to be fully transparent. While we have provided clear guidelines, questions may arise.  If you have any questions about these policies and guidelines, email

What happens if my company is unable to agree with these policies?

These policies are closely aligned with AltaPointe’s core values and mission.  It is important that our vendors have a clear understanding of our values and share in the delivery of our mission. Your compliance with these processes and policies will define your role in the AltaPointe Purchasing Department network.

Who do I contact if a customer’s requests may violate my organization’s or AltaPointe’s code of conduct?

Please refer to Guiding Ethical Values. If you still have questions or concerns, contact the Purchasing Department Manager or Director of Finance and Accounting.

What if my customer states they are an approved contract signer?

Please refer to AltaPointe Purchasing Department’s Contracting Policy

Are Purchase Orders required for payment of goods and services?

Yes.  AltaPointe requires that a valid purchase order be issued prior to the delivery of goods or services from every vendor, with the exception of routine orders.

Who are the decision-makers for my company’s product?

The Purchasing Department will consult with our divisions, programs and locations to ensure we have high quality cost-effective products.  However, the contracting and pricing discussions rest with AltaPointe Purchasing Department and upper leadership within Finance & Accounting.

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